Our team

Zalt's staff come from many parts of the Icelandic and Scandinavian business world, have good skills, overview and knowledge of the region, has been exposed to Spanish culture and has years of experience under the Spanish Mediterranean sun.

Our staff speaks Icelandic, Spanish, English and Scandinavian.

Þórdís Brynjólfsdóttir

Zordis (Þórdís) is the owner of Zalt Properties S.L. She is a student from the Faculty of Social Affairs, speaks and writes her Icelandic mother tongue, Spanish, English and the Scandinavian languages. She has the API title which is a legalization in real estate sales in Spain.

Guðrún Margrét Valdimarsdóttir
Real Estate Agent

Guðrún Margrét Valdimarsdóttir has Icelandic legalization as a real estate agent and has working facilities in our office in Spain. She is familiar with all aspects of the real estate market and has the interests of our clients at heart.

Sales Representative

Arinbjörn is a self-employed sales representative who has experience in real estate sales in Iceland and has extensive knowledge of new buildings in the Spanish real estate market. He is our proofreader, a trained regional guide and a genius. Arinbjörn speaks and writes Icelandic and English.

Lára Davíðs
Interior stylist

Lára Davíðs is our interior stylist, she has extensive knowledge of putting together stunning homes, is a genius at beautifying spaces and preparing resale properties for sale. Lára is a hairdresser and former owner of a large gift shop and has a keen eye for beauty. Lára is always ready to be on hand when choosing furniture for the house of your dreams.

Berglind Halla
Documents & Communications

Berglind Halla takes care of document storage and communication with the bank branches among other things. She is an excellent interpreter and takes good care of us. Berglind has lived in Spain for almost 40 years, speaks and sings Spanish like a native, and in addition to Icelandic, she is good at English.

Anna Karen
Sales Representative

Anna Karen is a self-employed sales representative with extensive knowledge of the Spanish real estate market, among other things. She has good knowledge of golf courses and their services. She speaks and writes Icelandic, English and Norwegian like a native.