Íbúð / íbúð. Endursala Villamartín. PAU 8

Tilvísun MM-98228
  • Byggðir 68m2
  • Svefnherbergi 2
  • Baðherbergi 1
  • Pool

Íbúð / íbúð. Endursala Villamartín. PAU 8



Eiginleikar og upplýsingar

Zalt Properties Svefnherbergi 2
Zalt Properties Baðherbergi 1
Zalt Properties Byggðir 68m2
Zalt Properties Pool
Zalt Properties Loftkæling
Zalt Properties Einkasundlaug
Zalt Properties Terrace
Zalt Properties Húsgögnum
Zalt Properties Utility Room
Zalt Properties Private garden
Zalt Properties Store room
Zalt Properties White goods
Zalt Properties Fitted wardrobes
Zalt Properties Ceiling fans
Zalt Properties Walking to Plaza
Zalt Properties Close Shops, Bars and Restaurants
Zalt Properties Close Golf
Zalt Properties Good Rental


Zalt Properties

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